Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Story lines in Mind Puzzles Mind puzzles assist you by teaching you something new.

The puzzles encourage you to pull up your educational background to discover what you learned.

Mind puzzles have attracted people for centuries. Most of the puzzles work by boosting your IQ. The more you practice at the puzzles the smarter you become. By continuing to practice a few mind puzzles each day, you will increase your intelligence by 10% at the end of the month. Mind puzzles work to help you learn something new. The puzzles improve memory, so that you can recall details easier.

Online you will find too many puzzles to mention. Some of the puzzles are simple, straightforward while others pose a more threatening challenge. You have to think hard to solve some of the puzzles, yet if you use logic and common sense, you will find your answers in front of you.

Some of my favorite mind puzzles are the word by association.

You can find several types of the puzzles, yet in this instance, we are going to learn the basic. The word puzzle starts with a word. Using the word, you are going to think of several meanings and then create a few stories.

Note: The answer is below. Do not look at the answer until you at least try to solve the problem by exploring the word.

Word: Memory
Think about what memory means to you. Next, write a sentence for each story, by filling in the blanks.

We sit around ……about the good ole days. Pa and I went through the ___________ of what we had _______ in our ___________of the good ole days.

Let me give you a hand. The first line is (a) and the second (b) and so on. Below you will see the same pattern and you will choose the best word that fits to complete the story.
A) recalled b) reminiscence c) recollection d) remembrance

Sit for a few minutes and think about the story. Don’t fret any if you can’t get it off the start. Take your time. Explore the word memory. Find what it means to you.

Answer: a) reminiscence b) recollection c) recalled (d) remembrance

Do it again:
Word: Brain Stem

We learned in medical class that our brain stem is the organ that controls our ____and our _____. We learned that the brain stem controls our center _________ ________ within our vertebrae. The brain stem connects to our _____cord and encloses about our cranium. The brain stem gives us our ________and the abilities to use our _____ mind’s center.

Think about your brain stem for a moment. What does the brain stem control?


Since this is medical related, some of you may find it difficult to figure out the words that create the story. If you think about what you learned in biology class or related courses in school however, you may find that you know more than you think.

a) thoughts b) feelings c) nervous system d) spinal e) intellectual f) intellectual

Now you probably already had this one figured out from the start. Yet, you see that mind puzzles can lead to medical related stories, humor, riddles, and much more. Mind puzzles have no limit to what the formulas it uses to present problem-solving puzzles that improve the mind’s ability to solve problems.

One more:

Word: zoology

Zoology is the ____study of ____. The branch of biology, which involves the study of all aspects of animals’ life. Sometimes the experts study these creatures in specific areas of the world.

Come on, you know this one. The first one is scientific study and the second is animals. You had a clue in this one.

The post The Story lines in Mind Puzzles Mind puzzles assist you by teaching you something new. first appeared on AllAbout.

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