Thursday, February 4, 2021

Scientific Reasoning in Mind Puzzles

Scientifically speaking, the functions of the left-brain and the right brain are under study for over decades now. The functions of the left-brain are supposed to be analytical and rational. To add a few more qualities, the left-brain is solely responsible for objective type of thinking and schooling curriculum favors the left-brain activity. The right brain is supposed to be intuitive and holistic. The right brain looks at everything wholly and subjectively. The sense of aesthetics and creativity are the functions of right brain. The artists tend to use the right side of the brain according to the study.

Well, what is the use of having two hemispheres of brains?

What happens if we use both of them at the same time? Yes, we can be the genius. The great minds of the world are known to use both the brains. How to achieve it? Consciously, we can do it by putting both the sides of the brain to work by subjective and objective methods. Yes, mind puzzles are the best way to success. The concentration you develop when you are at a mind game is beyond measure. The overactive kids can be subdued down by allowing them to play a game or two, which involves the mind activity. The physical activity alone is not sufficient for the growth of a kid. It may over activate them. The balanced growth of a kid can be achieved by involving them in mind games and other mental activities.

Are you of the opinion that studies are mind oriented only?

Yes, true. Some schools adopt the system, which demands cramming of the details from a textbook as a measure of success in the examination. What they do not know is the logical mind will forget the crammed portions after some time. The supposed to be the top class mental ability is achieved by right brain activity only. This ability to look at everything as a whole is the function of the right brain. If that happens the brain does not forget things easily. The activation of the right brain can be easily targeted by mind games.

There are plenty of books on mind puzzles in the market and the bookshops.

Any particular game is not the point of consideration. The generic term as puzzle is the topic of consideration here. The focus of any puzzle is to make the person think over the possible outcomes in a detailed way and to arrive at a logical conclusion from the possible answers. There can be only one correct answer for a mind puzzle. Therefore, the answer is a yes or no. To put it more specifically, the outcome is either a white or a black. You do not have any hazy or gray areas to while around. There is either light or darkness.

If you toss a coin, the answer is either head or tail.

Do not consider the remote chance of a coin falling on the edge. That is a rarity. You can exclude that. Therefore, the mind will look forward to something either positive or negative. This kind of a conditioning is a good practice as far as the mind is concerned. The mind games, which are designed, are helping the mind to sharpen its capabilities.

Thomas Alva Edison is the inventor and the discoverer of a number of scientific advancement. He has proved himself by his mind capabilities. The sharp mind is a real gift. If a child wants to play a mind game or solve a mind puzzle, encourage it. Tomorrow that child may become another Thomas Alva Edison.

The post Scientific Reasoning in Mind Puzzles first appeared on AllAbout.

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