Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Dark Side Of Cash Advance, Its Addiction And How You Can Overcome It.

The main reason anyone should avoid cash advances is the huge interest rates that companies attach to their loans. These huge interest rates will make you pay so much back that it will put you in an even deeper financial problem. This is why you need to seek out a cash advance loan with affordable interest rates or simply look for another way to get the money you need until your next paycheck.

Missing a payment is another big problem when taking cash advance. When you miss a payment you will be required to pay back even more than what you thought you would have to repay; you could end up paying back the same amount in interest again. One missed payment can actually increase the amount that you have to pay back by as much as 50%, which may not be worth the risk of ending up in more trouble than you thought possible.

The payment structures seem quite unreasonable at times. You can use your credit card and miss a payment and still pay back less than what you would compared to a cash advance loan; this shows the difference between the two different loans, so take time to decide what you want to do.

When you need a big amount of money, it is better if you seek some lending institutions other than cash advance companies, mainly because the repayment structure will be a bit more easy than the cash advance loan. This means at the end of the day you have more money left, which is what you want. You need a loan because you obviously need money, if you can get more money, then it’s clearly a blessing.

Now let us look at how we can break the addiction of cash advance loans which some of us acquire unfortunately.

Because of the ease with which they are available, cash advance loans can become very addictive. They are very handy if you are short of cash until your next payday. You can simply borrow a small amount of cash then pay the cash advance company back on your payday.

Like any addiction, cash advance addiction is hard to break. Once you know an easy way to get quick cash, it is hard to break from that habit. Cash advance addictions can only lead to one thing and that is a horrible mountain of debt that could destroy you.

In order to break from this horrible habit, you have to understand that these companies are taking away more of your money each time you borrow from them in part because their interest rates can be rather harsh to the customer. You need to make a budget that you can follow every month. It will give you the confidence that you can manage without taking loans ever so often and slowly reduce the money you borrow.

When you break the habit of taking money from cash advance company, your confidence will soar and this will again have a positive impact on your life.

Remember that these loan companies are there for us only for when we are in deep money trouble and not for small financial problems which can be solved with a simple budget and planning.

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Saturday, February 13, 2021

Using Creative Skills in Mind Puzzles

Using creative skills in mind puzzles allows you to explore the mind, have fun, and develop skills you never thought you had. Creating mind puzzles helps you to reap the benefits of promoting an active mind. When you mind is active, you enjoy working, playing, communicating and so much more.

Mind puzzles are challenging.

You have many options with mind puzzles, including testing your mind online, buying your own mind puzzles, or creating your own puzzles at home. Not only will you benefit from mind puzzles, but if you ask your children to participate, they too will benefit from learning.

Mind puzzles often include trivia, mind bogglers, words, subjects, and letters and so on. You will find a list of mind puzzles online including the word puzzles, letters, lateral puzzles, block puzzles, optical illusion, wooden puzzles and more. Mind puzzles can be creative question/answer strategies also.

How creative question/answer mind puzzles work:
In the 50s, a player missed the pitch during tryout during Washington Senator game. Which player missed the tryout?

Try to use your mind to think about who this player was, rather than looking below for the answer.

Answer: Fidel Castro missed the Washington Senator tryout.

What is the undeviating expansion amidst two individuals?

Answer: Laughter

Why is hospital staff confused?

Answer: Patients are placed in private rooms, yet the gown given to them is broadcasted.

If you see, the story behind question/answer mind puzzles is to help you by prompting your cognitive mind, creative mind to explore possible solutions to solve the problem. Thinking abilities enhance greatly when you practice mind puzzles often.

Teachers often use mind puzzles at schools to help children develop skills. Children often learn how to play fairly with other children while enjoying mind puzzles. In addition, children learn to use their thinking cap to explore possible solutions to discovering answers that fit.

Let’s try some more.

What man invented the first metal helmet?

The same man that established the first…”cross-country ski” events, introduced in the country, Switzerland, and whom also wrote the mystery of “Sherlock Homes.” (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Can you tell me what president of the United States of America is on the 100-dollar bill?

Answer: There is not a president on the 100-dollar bill. Benjamin Franklin’s head is on the 100-dollar bill and he was not a president. In addition, his head turns in the opposite direction of other heads on American money.

Mind puzzles include the mind bogglers. You can find puzzles that twist your mind by inspiring you to solve the mystery.

How mind bogglers’ work:
Mind bogglers’ are trickery questions that you must find answers to solve the mystery. Some of the puzzles are fun, while others are plain out stupid. For example, which came first, “the chicken or the egg?” This has been a long time explored mind boggler that millions of people still explore today, yet the truth is obvious because God created all things, which means the chicken had to have been created first.

Here’s another for you.

a) The average American drinks around 500 gallons of water yearly.
b) The average American makes over 50,000 phone calls yearly.
c) The average American spends 10,000 hours in front of the television each year.

d) None of the above
e) All of the above
f) A
g) B
h) C

Answer: if we calculated the average time that people spend creating foolish “multiple” question “tests,” we’d be here all day searching for answers to the above question.

Now that you have an idea of how mind puzzles work, you can start searching for some puzzles online to boggle your mind and enforce thinking. In addition, you can use your creative skills to explore your mind with puzzles.

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The Components of Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism is a powerful craving for alcohol which often results in the compulsive consumption of alcohol. The cause of this craving is heavily debated, but the most popular beliefs are that it is a chemical or nutrional imbalance, a genetic predisposition, a neurological effect caused by runaway learning mechanisms or an inability to curb one’s own desire for enjoyment.

Alcoholism is often a controversial subject. Some believe it to be a biological disease, but the inability to tie it to a specific biological causation makes this is a political debate and not a medical one.

Alcohol addiction has been identified as having various components.

* Psychological addiction involves those things which convince a person that they gain benefit from the use of the substance. For instance, if they feel that they are more socially adept while drunk or that it allows them to better handle stress, then they might feel that any problems caused were worth the benefits.

* Physical addiction (a.k.a., dependence) involves the physical adaptation of a person’s biological systems to the continued presence of alcohol in their system.

The person’s systems become more comfortable when they have the “normal” level of alcohol, and higher doses are required to maintain an equivalent effect. A decrease in the level of alcohol causes reverse imbalances resulting in withdrawal symptoms, which for alcohol can be deadly.

* Neurochemical addiction involves the hijacking of existing learning mechanisms in order to convince the system that an addictive behavior is good for it, despite all evidence to the contrary. Endorphin is the body’s way of telling the mind that a behavior is good for it. We release endorphin into the blood stream during sex, exercise and consumption of some foods for instance, and this is responsible for “runner’s high” and “afterglow”.

This is more than just a good feeling, it is teaching our brain that these are the behaviors that it should repeat.

It has been demonstrated in various clinical tests that mammals with more active endorphin systems are more prone to alcohol addiction. This is because alcohol triggers the release of endorphins into our system, and we learn that alcohol drinking is a behavior that we should repeat. This effect is also visible in the use of opiates, and in various risk-taking behaviors such as skydiving and gambling.

The social problems arising from alcohol abuse often include loss of employment, financial problems, marital conflict and divorce, convictions for crimes such as drunk driving or public disorder, loss of accommodation, and loss of respect from others who may see the problem as self-inflicted and easily avoided.

Alcohol dependence affects not only the addicted but can profoundly impact the family members around them. Children of alcohol dependents can be affected even after they are grown; the behaviors commonly exhibited by such children are collectively known as Adult Children of Alcoholics Syndrome.

Although there is no specific diagnosis for alcoholism, there have been many efforts at diagnostic approaches to alcohol dependence, abuse and complications associated with chronic alcohol consumption.

Several tools may be used to determine if you are an alcoholic.

* The CAGE questionnaire can be used to screen patients quickly in a doctor’s office.

* Another screening questionnaire is the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT).

* The Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire is another sensitive diagnostic test.

* Although there is no blood test specific for alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence (alcoholism), prolonged heavy alcohol consumption may lead to several abnormalities in the body.

Alcohol addiction is a treatable disease that can end in the death of innocent people. If you are an alcoholic or are a family member of an alcoholic, contact your physician for the most current treatments available.

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The Allure of Drug Addiction

The effects a cocaine user feels appear almost immediately after a single dose. The “problem”, however, is that they disappear within minutes or hours resulting in the user wanting more in a fairly short space of time.

In small doses, it makes the user feel euphoric, energetic, talkative and mentally alert with heightened perceptions of sight, sound and touch. It can decrease the desire for food, which makes it worse. Cocaine’s effects can be a complete dichotomy in that some will find it simple to perform simple physical and intellectual tasks quicker, while others have the opposite effect.

Short-term physiological effects of cocaine include constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, increased temperature, heart rate and blood vessels. Large amounts intensify the user’s “high” which, very often, also leads to bizarre, erratic and violent behavior. They may experience tremors, vertigo, muscle twitches, paranoia and can even have a toxic reaction similar to amphetamine poisoning.

Cocaine addiction is a serious issue and should not be taken lightly. Some users get very restless, irritable and become anxious. In some instances, it can result in sudden death even in a first time user or, unexpectedly, thereafter. They are usually the result of cardiac arrest or seizures followed by respiratory failure.

As an addict becomes accustomed to the dosage of cocaine, it no longer produces the desired effect so he has to constantly increase the dose, increasing the likelihood of serious consequences so something has to be done about it.

Having a loved one in the throes of cocaine addiction calls for urgent attention and a good cocaine treatment program is the only real solution to this problem. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of “solutions” out there, which can cause a lot of confusion for anyone trying to ravel through the myriad of options.

Some important criteria that must be weighed up when making decisions about any cocaine treatment program include 1) how the withdrawal is undertaken, 2) are drugs (meds) used to do the withdrawal, 3) how does the person get the drug residues out of their body, 4) is the individual himself – not his body – rehabilitated fully.

Another important question to ask is “What are the results”? Any program that does not at least have an 80% success rate is not worth spending another minute on. You’re not throwing money at a slot machine; you’re trying to save a loved one’s life. Putting them through a program only to have them revert within days of completing adds unbelievable additional strain to a family.

Anyone using any drugs – whether it be alcohol, meds or street drugs – experiences the same phenomena of woodenness, inability to think straight, depression, the list goes on and on. These feelings do not go away just because the person somehow or other managed to stop using the substance, hence it is vitally important that you find a program that meets the above requirements. That’s the only way you will truly get your loved one back on track. No badgering in the world is going to straighten them up.

Something started them down that road and that something came before the drug was ever used. That makes it even more critical that the right program is found so you can truly have your loved one back and not a shell of their former self.

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Friday, February 12, 2021

Unanswered Mind Puzzles

Have you ever run across a question that seemed unanswerable?

I have been stumped by this question: fire IS TO igneous AS wood IS TO ___? for some time. I have wasted several hours trying to find the answer to this question, and I have to admit, I’ve never been more puzzled.

It all started when I made my daily visit to a puzzles and games website. I clicked a link that said Ancient Cryptography Society. While there, I read an article about Edgar Allen Poe, and I learned that he wrote a cryptogram that no one solved until 150 years after his death. The website looked interesting, and I decided I wanted to sign up for it.
I really like cryptograms, and I wanted to know more about this Ancient Cryptography Society.

When I got to the bottom of the page, instead of a signup link, there was the question. Apparently, the Ancient Cryptography Society requires an answer to the question before you can gain entrance to the main site. “This should be easy.” I thought to myself, and I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I thought the answer was petrifaction, but I was wrong. I Googled the question, and got nowhere. I accessed the online library at my college. No analogies there, either. I got the same result at Ask Yahoo. I have pondered and ruminated on this question and I am still no closer to the answer than I was when I first read it.

So now here I sit, telling you about the question that is burning a hole in my brain. I have obsessed about it, I have gone back and tried other answers, and still I couldn’t tell you what the correct answer is. It’s driving me crazy because I can’t answer this question.
It seems to me that the answer has got to be so simple, so obvious, that any reasonably intelligent person should be able to solve it.

This has gotten me to thinking: If Edgar Allan Poe wrote a cryptogram no one could solve for 150 years, could he have drafted this unanswerable analogy, too. Maybe it will remain unsolved for 150 years, too. Who knows? Do you?

You will run into these type of puzzles on occasion. Using your analytic mind however makes it possible to figure out what the puzzle is saying. Imagine yourself solving a mystery puzzle that no one has solved. You will feel like Einstein without recognition, unless your name gets out and you’re a published in the World Book of Genius as the person who solved the unsolved puzzle.

Various mind puzzles are offered on the net. You have advantage with the Internet, since you will find free mind busters, mind puzzles, Cryptography puzzles, and various other types of puzzles to your liking. The riddles are fun too, so be sure to check out some of the riddle mind puzzles online.

Mind puzzles offered on the Internet encourage you to explore your abilities, mind, and to use the four hemispheres of the brain to discover answers to sometimes multiple problems. At what time mind puzzles present unsolved elements, instead of running away from the problem stay with it and attempt to solve the problem, since it will increase your IQ. Our future is demanding that we have a high IQ to beat the robots that is replacing humankind.

How to find mind puzzles online:
type in the keyword at the Search Engine.

If you want Cryptography puzzles, then type in this keyword and the search engine will use its spiders, crawlers, and other spotters to locate links relevant to your search.

The post Unanswered Mind Puzzles first appeared on AllAbout.

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Ten Signs Of MMORPG Addiction

With the advent of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG), a lot of people have suffered from MMORPG over-addiction, so much so that some of them have slowly confused the real world with the fantasy environment of the games they’re playing.

I kid you not! This seeming merger of truth and fiction is not restricted to costume plays (or cosplays), sci-fi conventions or game launches. It has extended to everyday life. And if you have been playing a particular MMORPG for hours upon hours, each and every day, you might be suffering from MMORPG over-addiction yourself!

How would you know?

Here are 10 signs that can be observed if ever you have too much MMORPG adrenaline in your system.

1. Whenever you want to buy something, you think in terms of gold instead of dollars.

Gold, of course, is the unit of currency in most MMORPG game worlds.

2. Whenever you accomplish a significant deed, you subconsciously expect to level up, coupled with a sound in the background to inform the world of such a feat. MMORPG programs reward players with experience points which can be used to increase their levels.

3. You find yourself speaking in Old English. Quite a number of MMORPG systems require the players to role play their characters as if they’re living in a fantastical, medieval world. This includes conversing in Old English. So hear ‘ye, hear ‘ye, hear ‘ye, if thou hath been speaking the tongue of ages yore, thou hath been possessed by the soul of thy machinated character.

4. You start referring to you bag as your inventory. A staple of MMORPG programs is a limited inventory screen that allows your character to carry a certain number of implements.

5. You start describing your irritating acquaintance as a “re-spawning monster.” The monsters in all MMORPG systems persistently re-spawn so that players would always have something to kill for some experience points.

6. Whenever an item, like a gadget perhaps or a book, is priced beyond your budget, you start to subconsciously hope that you’ll get it soon with a future “drop.” In MMORPG programs, monsters drop useful items whenever they’re destroyed. Sometimes, they drop some very rare and very valuable items.

7. When ever you need the help of a friend in the real world, you sometimes inform him by screaming “tank!” or “aggro!” The terms tank and aggro are MMORPG-generic words that refer to a variety of support from party members. Tank refers to the act of having someone with higher HP attack a monster first. The monster would focus on such a player, and the other player with lower HP would attack it from behind and claim a majority of the experience points. Aggro refers to a slew of support spells from the magic users of the same adventuring party.

8. At the end of every month, you’d be surprised to discover that you have exhausted all your vacation and sick leaves from work. In South Korea, for example, where MMORPG programs are a huge hit, employers complain of massive employee absences whenever a major game is released. Indeed, an MMORPG has the power to take over your virtual as well as your real life.

9. You spend countless sleepless nights thinking of strategies that would help you build your character, or defeat a seemingly undefeatable boss. MMORPG programs often require more strategy that what you’d expect, and trying to discover the best tactics that work is part of the fun.

10. Whenever you’re planning your monthly budget, you give paramount importance to allotting payment for your MMORPG’s subscription. There is no shame here. We’re all guilty of the same thing.

Should you start worrying?

Should you begin to consider a change in lifestyle?

Should you consult a therapist?

For as long as the other aspects of your life, which are more important than your need for an MMORPG fix, are not compromised, then your preference for MMORPG programs, whether casual of a product of an addictive tendency, can still be considered as healthy.

But if you start jeopardizing your health, your job, your family and your overall wellbeing, then dude! You have to realize that though an MMORPG offers a world of endless fun, it’s just a game, and your life is not.

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Teenage Nicotine Addiction: Smoking Away Young Lives

Because of advertisements and other forms of media that promote smoking, many teens think it is okay and cool to smoke. And the result is that many teens are getting addicted to nicotine and cigarettes. All over the world, smoking begins as a teenage experience. Few smokers have begun smoking as adults. In the United States, on an average day, at least 3,000 young people become regular smokers, and more than 6,000 adolescents try to smoke their first cigarette. The outlook for regular smokers who began smoking as teenagers and continue into adulthood is grim. Research shows that people who start smoking before the age of 21 have the hardest time quitting.

It is also estimated that about 30% of youth smokers who continue smoking well into adulthood would die early from a smoking-related disease. While smoking may be legal for adults, the medical costs associated with it are enormous. Many of those who suffer and die from smoking-related illnesses actually took up the habit in their teens.

In today’s health news, there seem to be startling new statistics regarding teen smoking. It appears nearly one in five 13-to-15-year-old students worldwide uses some form of tobacco, according to the global youth tobacco survey started seven years ago, as a joint effort by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Students from more than 130 countries responded to questions about tobacco, including personal use, secondhand exposure and advertising. The study found that Europe and the Americas had the highest rates of cigarette smoking, at approximately 18 percent.

In all regions, the use of other tobacco products was generally more common among boys than among girls. Nearly a quarter of high school students in the US smoke cigarettes. Another 8% use smokeless tobacco. In addition to the innate dangers faced by the smoker, there are dangerous effects of secondhand smoke to non-smokers as well. Secondhand smoke causes many serious health problems. It contributes to as many as 300,000 cases of pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory infections in infants and children every year.

It is also one of the risk factors in the development of childhood asthma, causing 8,000 to 26,000 new cases each year. Smoking has many health risks for everyone. However, the younger a person starts to smoke, the more problems it can cause. The tobacco industry spends about $34 million per day to market cigarettes, and most of this marketing is targeted at kids. To stop this kind of unethical advertising, critics argue Congress should pass legislation that would give the U.S. Food and Drug Administration the authority to regulate tobacco products and marketing, as well as to ban candy-flavored cigarettes.

Combating teen smoking in America is a really serious public health issue. It is relevant as well to the problems in developing countries faced with smoking by children and adolescents. The issues on teen smoking clearly speaks to policy makers, health personnel, researchers, and young people. Each group has a role to play to address the growing health problems among minors.

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